Call for papers
Interested participants are requested to submit an extended abstract (2 pages) including manuscript title, author(s), affiliation(s), and contact details with a clear indication of the research work, methodology, major results (one figure), and conclusion. The selected abstracts will be allotted for oral/poster presentations.
Paper Presentation details
- • Abstracts must be submitted for oral/poster presentation
- • Abstract submission ends on February 26, 2021
- • There will be a selection committee to review the abstracts based on its scientific merit for poster presentations
- • The acceptance of abstract for oral/poster presentations will be intimated to the delegate before February 22, 2021 onwards
Only the presenting author will get a oral/poster presentation certificate. A participation certificate will be given to registered co-authors / participants who attend a minumum of 10 sessions per day (minimum of 2000 minutes).
For oral presentation
The submitted extended abstracts will be subjected to screening and scrutinized for oral presentation.
For journal publication
Participants who prefer to submit their research work for publishing in journals may submit the full paper. WNCST 2021 encourages original and unpublished work. Based on the scope and quality of the work the shortlisted full papers will be assigned to any of the following Scopus indexed journals.

*IOP Nanotechnology - Selected Papers falling within the scope of the journal from WNCST will be intimated for submission in the special issue of "IOP Nanotechnology" Focus on green nanomaterials for a sustainable IoT
#Journal of Physics: Materials - Selected Papers falling within the scope of the journal from WNCST will be intimated for submission in the special issue of "JPhys Materials" entitled 'Grand Challenges in Halide Perovskites: Next Generation Photodetectors' - supports open access, but provisions are there for discounts and waivers of the article publication charges.
The authors should submit the full papers on or before April 20, 2021. The submitted full paper will be subjected to the regular peer-review process by the journal.
For conference proceedings
The abstracts will be published in the digital conference proceedings with an online ISBN.
All communications should be sent to